"Along with marriage and childbirth, I now add this as a defining moment in my life." --BH
Page 4Will you be Mine...By Bill and Judy ElbringMost people realize they sometimes act like a child. And they certainly know others sometimes behave like children. And if you are quite honest, you can probably recall times when you and your partner seemed more like children than adults. Happy, carefree, loving and joyful, as well as crabby, whiny, irritable and demanding. Remember this: Your inner child chooses your partner. Most people would like to think that it is they, the adult, the grown-up making an adult decision. They’d like to believe that they sift through all the information, weigh the pros and cons, and make an intelligent, informed decision. People think that they, the sensible adult, select their partner. They move closer to the truth when they understand just how persistent the inner child is at getting what it wants. The inner child is looking for someone to make them feel whole and complete. The inner child wants an emotional climate that is familiar. The inner child wants everything to feel right. Whether an adult thinks they are making a wise or a foolish choice, it is the little child who says "I’ll take that one!"
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