LifePartners gives you access to the finest relationship-enhancing experiences in the world. You could discover your next step toward relationship wholeness right here, right now.
- When you enroll through LifePartners it costs you no more.
- When you participate in a course, LifePartners gives you follow-up support.
- When you tell a friend about LifePartners, you expand your connection to women and men who want to create healthy, joyful relationships.
- Any commission we receive supports LifePartners mission:
Healing ourselves, healing relationships, healing the Earth.
A brief history of LifePartners
In 1987, at the invitation of a trusted friend, we attended our first personal awareness seminar. We were passionately pleased with our results. Our relationship with each other, our children and our parents improved. We attended several seminars and workshops in rapid succession. Our experiences generated more sensational results. We realized that we had stumbled onto a relationship re-education process that was changing the course of our lives. We felt truly blessed with our discoveries.
In 1989 we committed to creating LifePartners. We dedicated ourselves and our resources to becoming a reliable source of information about excellent, effective relationship workshops, seminars, lectures, books, tapes - all of which we would experience first-hand. Then we would offer the best to men and women interested in enhancing their relationships. To date we have participated in 200 workshops and seminars. We have studied relationship dynamics intensively for 10 years. We have done relationship readings for and coached hundreds of individuals and couples - in person, by telephone, by mail and by email.
In 1999 our relationship with each other continues to be a source of delight and tenderness, argument and resolution, joy and amazement. We are expanding our relationship coaching practice and actively pursuing more fine relationship resources for the world-wide community. All resources listed here are among the finest that we have discovered to date. We discover more all the time. We are proud to offer these invaluable opportunities to you.
Voice: 707-792-6700 or Email Us
Relationship Reading
Relationship Coaches Bill & Judy Elbring offer you their insights into the dynamics of your relationships. Respond with thought and honesty to the relationship history, profile and patterns questionnaire. You receive your individual, personal reading and an appraisal of your relationship strengths, vulnerabilities and potential problem areas. Your reading is both intuitive and pragmatic. Follow-up relationship coaching, guidance and referral to appropriate relationship course work may be recommended. Readings are available world-wide.
Relationship Appraisal — evaluation of the state of your relationships
Gain fresh perspective on all your relationships. Find out just where you are in your relationship with yourself and with the significant people in your life. Respond with thought and honesty to a detailed relationship profile. You then schedule your 30-minute telephone conference to learn the results of your appraisal. You can ask questions about relationship. Be alerted to any unworkable patterns you may have developed. Learn how you can create vibrant, fulfilling, passionate relationships. You also receive personally-tailored recommendations for specific relationship course-work that could enhance your chances for creating successful life partnership.
Relationship Fitness Kit
(perfect for listening at home or in your car)
Click Here for more information
Learn what causes (or has caused) you to make your partner selection choices, how to take better care of yourself in your current and future relationships, and how to create and sustain life partnership. Many forms of relationship — romantic, family and working — can benefit from this valuable, comprehensive information. Includes: Getting Love Right (3 audio tapes featuring Terry Gorski), Six Steps to Joyful, Healthy Relationships (by Bill & Judy Elbring) and an audio guidance tape by LIFEPARTNERS. Wherever you are you could be learning this moment how to have better relationships. Note: Getting Love Right is also offered on video in the RFK for $129. California tax + shipping added to total amount. Life is too short — get started!
Getting Love Right
(audio and video presentations)
A 3-part PBS Series which offers an entertaining and practical look at healthy and dysfunctional relationships. This series addresses how to develop a program of personal growth to enhance healthy intimacy; how to select a partner that is willing and able to meet your needs; how to build a healthy and passionate relationship; and how to build effective communication skills to achieve intimacy. Designed for both singles and couples, this program presents a powerful, new way to think about relationship-building. Terry points out all relationships have three players — me, you and us — and that healthy relationships require skills that people can learn, practice and perfect. California tax + shipping added to total amount.
$30 audio
$114 video
Residential retreat for women only. A deeply rich and focused inquiry into the origins of women’s concept of womanhood. Enter an experience that is profoundly personal while embracing female archetypes. The themes of grace, beauty and titanic personal power guide each woman in a walk through the stages of Everywoman’s life. The enormous impact of Mother’s influence, the awful female silence, and the competition with one another is addressed. Awaken yourself to your sacred presence and the honey-sweetness that makes you who you are. Tuition includes lodging and meals. Group size is limited to allow for individual work. Ilene is available to travel to your location. Ask for information if you have an interested group or desire to make this opportunity available to women in your area.
3 1/2 DAYS
Inner Bonding Workshop
Excellent for survivors of the several faces of childhood abuse. Make a healthier connection between your inner self and your outward behavior and actions. Gentle exercises allow you to access your deeper feelings and create a more loving bond between your Inner Adult and Inner Child. With practice, this can result in greater joy, self-esteem, personal mastery and loving relationships with others. Margie honors individual needs, offering a safe environment to explore and resolve deep issues. Group size is unlimited. Margie is available to travel to your location. Ask for information if you have an interested group or desire to make this opportunity available for people in your area. For men and women who want to experience deeper work, ask about the Inner Bonding 5-Day Intensive — group size is limited to allow for expanded time for each individual — cost varies by location.
Love, Intimacy & Sexuality
(Level 1 of a total of 6 levels)
The Miracle of Love. In a private, safe, caring environment, you are encouraged to go through your personal barriers to love, expand your capacity for intimacy and learn to acknowledge and let go of any fears surrounding sexuality. You are always at choice and supported to explore possibilities in as great detail as you wish throughout the course. Facilitators are knowledgeable, gentle and supportive. Tuition includes residential community lodging and meals. Couples work and local events are also available. Group size is balanced for men and women and generally unlimited.
The Essential Experience
An intelligent, gently illuminating personal relationship workshop. The design particularly supports people who are determined to have everything out of life that they can have. Participants are invited to open up to new and greater possibilities for themselves. Savor the rich emotional and spiritual content, explore your reactions in a safe, supportive environment. Gain clarity about your life choices and make your life work more effectively. David is a licensed family therapist. His preparation includes extensive training for group and individual work with Carl Rogers and Virginia Satir. This is a rare opportunity with a master conductor. Graduates have the benefit of a strong community of support, authenticity and encouragement. Graduates also may elect to participate on the volunteer support and production team for each workshop. Participant group size maximum is 32 men and women. David is available to travel to your location. Ask for information if you have an interested group or desire to ma
Lovers For Life — A Couples Workshop
Judith Bell, MS, MFCC and Daniel Ellenberg, PhD both licensed therapists, authors and relationship experts, conduct this beautiful opportunity to take your relationship to new heights — emotionally, physically and spiritually. Effective whether you are wondering if you have a future together or are clear this is the love of a lifetime. Participants address the blocks to intimacy and cultivate techniques for greater pleasure and having more fun together. Couples work together during the entire course of the workshop, sometimes just the two of you, sometimes in smaller groups. This workshop creates a celebration of partnership. Group size is moderate and limited to couples. |
2 DAYS |
$450/2 |
Heart of Relating
Devoted to learning, practicing and using effective communication skills to work through personal issues. Participants especially value learning techniques for delivering difficult information. Facilitators Sonika Tinker, MSW and Debra Rein, MA offer inspired individual coaching through every stage of discovery and skill development. Group size is moderate and is appropriate for men and women, individuals and couples. LOVEWORKS also offers a large variety of workshops addressing Lesbian issues and relationships. Ask for details on these other fine opportunities. Time and cost of additional courses varies.
Healing the Father Wound (Women)
Residential retreat for a maximum of 12 women. The father-daughter relationship forms the daughter’s opinions of what men are or should be, how they should act and how she should act around them. The father’s behavior towards women shapes the way she learns to relate to men as well as how she relates to her own masculine side. Women can greatly improve their chances for lasting joy, intimacy and happiness by understanding this connection. The course has no lecture and is experiential. Gordon has devoted his life to dealing with men’s issues, including the healing of women in their relationships with father and with men. You will experience movement, dance, breath work and Native American ritual. Tuition includes lodging and a fully-equipped kitchen or use of the restaurant on premises.
Healing the Father Wound (Men)
Residential retreat for a maximum of 12 men. The father-son relationship forms the son’s opinions of how he is supposed to act and how he should treat women. Men have had to face the confusing challenge of learning to balance power with sensitivity, strength with feeling, and mind with heart. Use the strength that men bring to men to expand your knowledge and feelings without abandoning such traditional male virtues as courage, honor, loyalty and strength. The course has no lecture and is experiential. Gordon has devoted his life to dealing with and healing men’s issues. You will experience movement, dance, breath work and Native American ritual. Tuition includes lodging and a fully-equipped kitchen or use of the restaurant on premises.
Living Freedom I
Participants receive both the details and experiences that they need to guide themselves in a dynamic, whole being healing process that leads directly to Domain Shifting. Filled with movement, dance, breath work, lecture and life-enhancing information. An amazing, opening, connecting experience. The people of this foundation are dedicated to living life in close connection with nature and the natural laws. They exhibit an uncommon understanding of and willingness to share living in harmony with and support of the Earth. Send for a free introductory audio overview tape. Group size is moderate and varies by location. |
5 DAYS |
$1,975 |
New Warrior Training Adventure
Residential men’s training which is a process of initiation and self-examination crucial to the development of a healthy, mature male self. It is a journey of the soul during which men confront their dependence on women, their mistrust of other men and their need to be special. You would do well to be in reasonably good physical condition and willing to face the prospect of transformative change in your life. Tuition includes lodging and meals. Transportation to the site is available on an individual basis. Group size varies by location and generally holds 25 to 30 men. Graduate initiates support the training in equal and greater numbers. Men are encouraged to continue their work in regional Integration Groups.